Posts tagged hälsa
Chaining and Spiritual Liberation - part 1

 The concept of spiritual liberation (MOKSHA) involves two aspects. First, there is an "I", a soul that reaches MOKSHA, and secondly, this soul or "me" is chained because only a being that is chained can become free. Thus, MOKSHA involves chaining. Holistic tradition accepts the existence of an individuality, an "ego" as the one who knows (JNATA) and the one who acts (KARTA). This "me" is chained and therefore is not capable of enjoying its true nature. Therefore, before understanding what MOKSHA – Liberation - is, it is necessary to know the nature of the chaining.

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How to make your alkaline water - and stay healthy

We all know by now that if we want to stay healthy and to make our body fight against and prevent many different diseases, we should keep it in alkaline condition. But, as we all know, many factors can influence that and can make it more acidic, or even highly acidic.

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Meaningful Questions that will Help You Connect to Your Consciousness

When was the last time you really checked in with yourself and took the time to listen attentively to your consciousness, body and soul?
When was the last time you really took the time to understand your thoughts, feelings, dreams and desires?

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Are you a healer?

If you’re a healer, chances are there are signs, signals, and cues all around you. The key is knowing where to look.

Here is a list of signs that you have a healing gift. Some may surprise you.

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Spiritual well-being

The state of spiritual inner well-being is in fact a sui generis cocktail of certain elevated, sublime, transcendental, more or less divine states and experiences that some of us live. Then they will generate in our being, just like a corollary, a complex, profound state that is in a certain measure tangent with the Divine Good.

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Aromatherapy is an ancient science to make use of natural essential oils and natural oils, in order to improve your health, to cure some illnesses, or to awaken certain capacities.

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The Amazing Benefits of Candle Gazing

The practice of candle gazing has a number of amazing benefits, including opening up your third eye (pineal gland), improved eyesight, focus, concentration and much more!
This simple technique is an excellent introduction to the art and science of meditation. People of all ages and stress levels can immediately feel the benefits. Students can use this before studying to improve their concentration.

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Karmic Astrology - Understanding yourself and others better

Astrologers have assigned the four elements of earth, water, fire, and air to better characterize the signs of the zodiac. This is not by chance, as it was typical of their vision of the cosmic world. Each group of three signs reveal a basic feature in human individuality.

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Breathing techniques to reduce stress and improve sleep

What if there was a holistic way to decrease stress, ease anxiety, improve sleep and boost your mood – and you could do it anywhere, at any time? How about also helping to relieve chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and blood pressure problems? Interested? You’re lucky, because these holistic life techniques already exists. It’s time to introduce breathing exercises into your daily routine.

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Holistic Wisdom to treat the cause of weight gain

Einstein has proven that everything in the universe is composed of energy, including the human body. When we lived in harmony with nature, our body’s energies vibrated in resonance with the universal energies. And therefore we experience optimum physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

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Train your most powerful instrument - your mind

A state of perfect mental concentration involves the focusing of the whole potential of attention on the chosen object, for a specified period of time, without forcing or letting appear a state of mental tension. This process is analogous to the phenomenon of focusing the sunlight through a lens: the power of the sunbeams collected in a single point increases enormously in comparison to the power of the dispersed sunbeams.

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What do I really need?

Winter holidays are here. And as always, we see the entire town adorned with lights and people are searching for the best present ever. In times like this I go deep inside myself and ask: “What do I really need?” The answer is actually never: a new dress, a more performing smartphone…

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