Posts tagged breathing
Breathing techniques to reduce stress and improve sleep

What if there was a holistic way to decrease stress, ease anxiety, improve sleep and boost your mood – and you could do it anywhere, at any time? How about also helping to relieve chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and blood pressure problems? Interested? You’re lucky, because these holistic life techniques already exists. It’s time to introduce breathing exercises into your daily routine.

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Stay mindful during sleep

We all know how helpful, and even crucial, mindfulness is to a balanced, calm, and fulfilling life. Far beyond just something you do while sitting in lotus position with your eyes closed, mindfulness can also be done standing, walking, and lying down. What do we do then, in order to stay in conscious awareness of our thoughts? You bring that mindfulness into everything you do during your awake state: mindful eating, mindful drinking, mindful driving, and any other action we experience in our daily lives.

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Learn a simple yogic breathing

Do this simple way to beat stress and help relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. If you are into yoga, there is a practice you might already be doing, that has been shown to benefit people who suffer from mental illness.

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