Posts tagged peace
Chaining and Spiritual Liberation - part 1

 The concept of spiritual liberation (MOKSHA) involves two aspects. First, there is an "I", a soul that reaches MOKSHA, and secondly, this soul or "me" is chained because only a being that is chained can become free. Thus, MOKSHA involves chaining. Holistic tradition accepts the existence of an individuality, an "ego" as the one who knows (JNATA) and the one who acts (KARTA). This "me" is chained and therefore is not capable of enjoying its true nature. Therefore, before understanding what MOKSHA – Liberation - is, it is necessary to know the nature of the chaining.

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Stay mindful during sleep

We all know how helpful, and even crucial, mindfulness is to a balanced, calm, and fulfilling life. Far beyond just something you do while sitting in lotus position with your eyes closed, mindfulness can also be done standing, walking, and lying down. What do we do then, in order to stay in conscious awareness of our thoughts? You bring that mindfulness into everything you do during your awake state: mindful eating, mindful drinking, mindful driving, and any other action we experience in our daily lives.

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The Sense of Oneness Creats Life Satisfaction

As humans have become more ecologically and environmentally aware over the last century or so, we’ve come to understand that a small change in any particular ecosystem can have important – and unexpected – consequences for another. Slowly but surely, many have also been grasping this concept of interconnectedness and oneness in a more abstract or spiritual way too.

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A simple exercise to obtain a more profound inner centering (balance)

The "centering" or balancing of our own being also means to deeply harmonize all our energies (mental, spiritual or physical) as well as to calm down, as deeply as possible, the usual psycho-mental agitation (parasite thoughts, auxiliary emotions, etc.). In this state of inner centering our attention will focus with greater ease on any subject of meditation since we are simultaneously present, lucid, relaxed and receptive to high energies.

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The seven stages of the spiritual evolution

In her spiritual evolution, the human being passes through different stages, each of them having some specific characteristics. Recognizing these characteristics can open the path toward superior levels which leads us to perfection.

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