Posts tagged present
What do I really need?

Winter holidays are here. And as always, we see the entire town adorned with lights and people are searching for the best present ever. In times like this I go deep inside myself and ask: “What do I really need?” The answer is actually never: a new dress, a more performing smartphone…

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A simple exercise to obtain a more profound inner centering (balance)

The "centering" or balancing of our own being also means to deeply harmonize all our energies (mental, spiritual or physical) as well as to calm down, as deeply as possible, the usual psycho-mental agitation (parasite thoughts, auxiliary emotions, etc.). In this state of inner centering our attention will focus with greater ease on any subject of meditation since we are simultaneously present, lucid, relaxed and receptive to high energies.

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Seven simple tips that will bring you closer to your life's mission

Do you aspire that your dreams and your purpose in this life turn into reality? These simple tips, which you probably already know, will help you if you remember them and take them into account.

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