What do I really need?

Winter holidays are here.

And as always, we see the entire town adorned with lights and people are searching for the best present ever.

In times like this I go deep inside myself and ask:

“What do I really need?”

The answer is actually never: a new dress, a more performing smartphone… I really need to feel at peace, to be well-rested and to enjoy life, with its big and small aspects. This is what makes me happy! This is what makes my heart tick. Spending time with the loved ones, sharing joy and embracing in my heart their personal history. This is what makes me feel that I spend my time in a meaningful way. And because I am a woman, and I take care of my home and a business and several projects – well you probably already know what I want to say – I need more time for myself.

Something I want to share with you (one of my secrets), is that actually I have all the time in the world. What makes me feel I need more time is how I prioritize each single day. Nobody forces me to do anything. I choose. So it’s a matter of wise choice. Time is a very valuable “commodity” – we all know it, we all are confronted with it. So from one busy human being to another: choose wisely what you do with your time. Because we can never turn back time. So live every day as if it is the first day of the rest of your life, and in the same time as if it is the last day of your life!

I wish you explore every day what you really need!


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