Posts tagged lifecycles
Full Moon and Tripura Sundari

The full moon is the height of the influence of the moon on our planet. It is that particular moment the flow of lunar energies reaches a maximum, and as a consequence the increased responsiveness and sensitivity of all living organisms is amplified. In the Lunar cycle there is a very important moment, particularly evident in Eastern astrological tradition, showing that two days before full Moon, its influence is particularly beneficial on our planet. It is a privileged day, called the period of beauty and universal harmony or Tripura Sundari.

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Holistic Wisdom to treat the cause of weight gain

Einstein has proven that everything in the universe is composed of energy, including the human body. When we lived in harmony with nature, our body’s energies vibrated in resonance with the universal energies. And therefore we experience optimum physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

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Train your most powerful instrument - your mind

A state of perfect mental concentration involves the focusing of the whole potential of attention on the chosen object, for a specified period of time, without forcing or letting appear a state of mental tension. This process is analogous to the phenomenon of focusing the sunlight through a lens: the power of the sunbeams collected in a single point increases enormously in comparison to the power of the dispersed sunbeams.

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What do I really need?

Winter holidays are here. And as always, we see the entire town adorned with lights and people are searching for the best present ever. In times like this I go deep inside myself and ask: “What do I really need?” The answer is actually never: a new dress, a more performing smartphone…

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