Posts tagged mind
The Amazing Benefits of Candle Gazing

The practice of candle gazing has a number of amazing benefits, including opening up your third eye (pineal gland), improved eyesight, focus, concentration and much more!
This simple technique is an excellent introduction to the art and science of meditation. People of all ages and stress levels can immediately feel the benefits. Students can use this before studying to improve their concentration.

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Train your most powerful instrument - your mind

A state of perfect mental concentration involves the focusing of the whole potential of attention on the chosen object, for a specified period of time, without forcing or letting appear a state of mental tension. This process is analogous to the phenomenon of focusing the sunlight through a lens: the power of the sunbeams collected in a single point increases enormously in comparison to the power of the dispersed sunbeams.

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Soulful confession (3)

One of the clear effects of the awakening of the Kundalini energy, besides the states of ecstasy, is a spontaneous state of transfiguration of everything and everyone. That is why I have been working consciously with this ability to transfigure people, situations and phenomena around me, to always see the good and the divine in them.

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A No-Fluff Guide to Understanding the Meaning of Your Dreams

Dreams are like enchanted doorways to the mind, revealing our deepest needs, desires, feelings, and fears. In the most whimsical, bizarre and sometimes terrifying ways, our dreams present to us symbols, metaphors and allegories that are rich in personal meaning and significance. Our dreams can teach us a lot about ourselves

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Creative meditation for self-esteem

Imagine yourself in a current situation in your daily life, and then visualize some person (known or unknown), who treats you with lots of love and admiration. Visualize that you are a wonderful person (continue with this, even if you feel embarrassed).

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