Posts tagged astral projection
Accounts on Astral Projection

 For centuries there has been the idea that the soul can exist independently of the body, and many practices and philosophies have sprouted up around the notion that we can intentionally cause this to happen. The basic concept behind what is called “astral projection” is that with enough training and focus one can cultivate the ability to willfully eject their soul from their physical bodies and observe the physical world or other more spiritual realms free from the tethers of their earthly body.

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Soulful confession (3)

One of the clear effects of the awakening of the Kundalini energy, besides the states of ecstasy, is a spontaneous state of transfiguration of everything and everyone. That is why I have been working consciously with this ability to transfigure people, situations and phenomena around me, to always see the good and the divine in them.

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