Posts tagged soul
Chaining and Spiritual Liberation - part 2

Even in everyday life we can see that the ego is the cause of all evil. Ego and selfishness are the two sides of the same coin. Ego is where all imperfections originate. When the ego disappears, these imperfections disappear. Thus we can see that when one eliminates or dissolves his/her ego, there is peace, power, beauty, enlightenment and the joy of the Self that fills him/her, making him/her experience a state of fulfillment.

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Chaining and Spiritual Liberation - part 1

 The concept of spiritual liberation (MOKSHA) involves two aspects. First, there is an "I", a soul that reaches MOKSHA, and secondly, this soul or "me" is chained because only a being that is chained can become free. Thus, MOKSHA involves chaining. Holistic tradition accepts the existence of an individuality, an "ego" as the one who knows (JNATA) and the one who acts (KARTA). This "me" is chained and therefore is not capable of enjoying its true nature. Therefore, before understanding what MOKSHA – Liberation - is, it is necessary to know the nature of the chaining.

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How to make your alkaline water - and stay healthy

We all know by now that if we want to stay healthy and to make our body fight against and prevent many different diseases, we should keep it in alkaline condition. But, as we all know, many factors can influence that and can make it more acidic, or even highly acidic.

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Meaningful Questions that will Help You Connect to Your Consciousness

When was the last time you really checked in with yourself and took the time to listen attentively to your consciousness, body and soul?
When was the last time you really took the time to understand your thoughts, feelings, dreams and desires?

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Pay attention to what hinders your evolution

“It is always very good for us to become aware of our own ignorance”
“Very often we run after chimeras to avoid confronting our own inner world.”
“ Before starting to climb to the highest spiritual heights, it is better for us that we first start to purify our being”.

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The Amazing Benefits of Candle Gazing

The practice of candle gazing has a number of amazing benefits, including opening up your third eye (pineal gland), improved eyesight, focus, concentration and much more!
This simple technique is an excellent introduction to the art and science of meditation. People of all ages and stress levels can immediately feel the benefits. Students can use this before studying to improve their concentration.

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Why we should never give up on love

Love makes the world go round. It is the mysterious glue that holds everything together. Love is what people are made of. People are made of love and made to love. Our true nature is love and by attempting to move away from love, by saying that we want to give up on love, we slowly but surely move away from who we truly are. We move away from our true nature, drifting away and feeling more and more disoriented, disconnected, lost and confused.

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Accounts on Astral Projection

 For centuries there has been the idea that the soul can exist independently of the body, and many practices and philosophies have sprouted up around the notion that we can intentionally cause this to happen. The basic concept behind what is called “astral projection” is that with enough training and focus one can cultivate the ability to willfully eject their soul from their physical bodies and observe the physical world or other more spiritual realms free from the tethers of their earthly body.

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A 10 Steps Survival Guide for The Dark Night of the Soul

As self-aware human beings, we are connected to a higher intelligence. Some call it Source, Universe, or collective consciousness, and still others, God. Your connection with higher intelligence is the means through which you are able to access your innate intuition, gifts, skills, and information — the stamp that makes you, YOU.

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