Posts in mental-training
Chaining and Spiritual Liberation - part 2

Even in everyday life we can see that the ego is the cause of all evil. Ego and selfishness are the two sides of the same coin. Ego is where all imperfections originate. When the ego disappears, these imperfections disappear. Thus we can see that when one eliminates or dissolves his/her ego, there is peace, power, beauty, enlightenment and the joy of the Self that fills him/her, making him/her experience a state of fulfillment.

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Chaining and Spiritual Liberation - part 1

 The concept of spiritual liberation (MOKSHA) involves two aspects. First, there is an "I", a soul that reaches MOKSHA, and secondly, this soul or "me" is chained because only a being that is chained can become free. Thus, MOKSHA involves chaining. Holistic tradition accepts the existence of an individuality, an "ego" as the one who knows (JNATA) and the one who acts (KARTA). This "me" is chained and therefore is not capable of enjoying its true nature. Therefore, before understanding what MOKSHA – Liberation - is, it is necessary to know the nature of the chaining.

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The Amazing Benefits of Candle Gazing

The practice of candle gazing has a number of amazing benefits, including opening up your third eye (pineal gland), improved eyesight, focus, concentration and much more!
This simple technique is an excellent introduction to the art and science of meditation. People of all ages and stress levels can immediately feel the benefits. Students can use this before studying to improve their concentration.

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Train your most powerful instrument - your mind

A state of perfect mental concentration involves the focusing of the whole potential of attention on the chosen object, for a specified period of time, without forcing or letting appear a state of mental tension. This process is analogous to the phenomenon of focusing the sunlight through a lens: the power of the sunbeams collected in a single point increases enormously in comparison to the power of the dispersed sunbeams.

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For you - advice full of wisdom

Our life is worth all our attention. Therefore some pieces of advice, which can help us live our life to its fullest, are always welcomed.

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Six Life-Changing Steps - How to Practice Mindful Self-Compassion

Our lives are much like movies and we are the unknowing participants sitting in that theater. Throughout our days we become so involved in this movie that we forget that we’re just witnesses. Memories, reenactments of past experiences, mental chatter, triggered emotions, beliefs, presumptions, judgments and future worries constantly play through our mind. And among all of this clutter, we cling to a story of us; of how bad, stupid, selfish, ugly, lost or messed up we are.

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20 ways to find out if you have SQ (Spiritual intelligence)

The spiritual intelligence, as psychologists state it, is highly connected to a deep necessity of the human.. Namely, the need to discover that everything makes sense. Carrying this out is the very guarantee for the psychic health, as psychologists say. However, this is just a way to bring in a scientific frame the concepts that Holistic Yoga has attained and developed for ages.

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Creative meditation for self-esteem

Imagine yourself in a current situation in your daily life, and then visualize some person (known or unknown), who treats you with lots of love and admiration. Visualize that you are a wonderful person (continue with this, even if you feel embarrassed).

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Best way to start and end your day

How do you usually start your day? You get out of bed, check your phone and enter social networks to see what news has appeared overnight? Or do you wake up, hurry to organize yourself and your loved ones, to get everyone where they want to, and on time?

Regardless of the scenario that suits you - or you may be somewhere between them - there is a much better way to start your morning.

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Seven simple tips that will bring you closer to your life's mission

Do you aspire that your dreams and your purpose in this life turn into reality? These simple tips, which you probably already know, will help you if you remember them and take them into account.

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