Posts tagged humanity
The Divine Path of our Soul's Evolution

Why do you exist? bWhy have you incarnated on Earth? What is your soul’s level of enlightenment? We souls evolve in a predictable way, and the map for our journey is written within our very DNA. The evolutionary map is the chakra system. If you understand the essential meanings and messages embedded within each chakra, you’ll understand the evolutionary steps your soul takes on its way to Remembering WHO YOU ARE.

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The Sense of Oneness Creats Life Satisfaction

As humans have become more ecologically and environmentally aware over the last century or so, we’ve come to understand that a small change in any particular ecosystem can have important – and unexpected – consequences for another. Slowly but surely, many have also been grasping this concept of interconnectedness and oneness in a more abstract or spiritual way too.

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Five signs of spiritual awakening

Once your awakening has begun, society’s definition of freedom will seem like madness to you. You realize you are part of the great web of life. Now you feel your emotions fully and you want to give back to your community.

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Six Life-Changing Steps - How to Practice Mindful Self-Compassion

Our lives are much like movies and we are the unknowing participants sitting in that theater. Throughout our days we become so involved in this movie that we forget that we’re just witnesses. Memories, reenactments of past experiences, mental chatter, triggered emotions, beliefs, presumptions, judgments and future worries constantly play through our mind. And among all of this clutter, we cling to a story of us; of how bad, stupid, selfish, ugly, lost or messed up we are.

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