Meaningful Questions that will Help You Connect to Your Consciousness

When was the last time you really checked in with yourself and took the time to listen attentively to your consciousness, body and soul?

Now when the world is going through this pandemic, we need to ask ourselves some intelligent questions, to better understand WHY we have co-created this situation which is affecting all of us…

When was the last time you really took the time to understand your thoughts, feelings, dreams and desires?

We all get stuck in the trap of moving through life without questioning what we are doing, or how we are feeling. Operating from this state however, often leaves us feeling stressed, overwhelmed and out of touch with who we truly are.
Actually, just a small check-in with yourself regularly, on a daily basis, can do wonders for your mental health, for your self-esteem and for your spiritual growth.

If you are starting out on the path of self-discovery and want to tune into your consciousness, body and soul, here I present to you 22 phenomenal questions that will help you tremendously.
These questions are meant to get you pondering about your life in a deeper and more meaningful manner, and can provide insights into where you are heading and where you need to focus your time and energy.
To make use of and work with these questions, either write down the answers in your spiritual journal, or walk them through with yourself.

22 Questions to Help You Connect to Your Body, Mind and Soul

Sit comfortably. Relax your body from your toes up to your head. Take a deep breath. Calm your mind and then ask yourself:
1. What three words describe how I feel right now?
2. What is the biggest problem or hurdle in my life right now?
3. What is going really well for me in my life right now?
4. If I could change anything about my life, what would it be?
5. What really bothers me about my life right now?
6. What is one thing I can do to improve my life for today?
7. What things do I love about myself?
8. What is the most important focus of my life right now?
9. What lessons have I learnt this past month?
10. What is draining my energy the most right now? Is there something I can do to fix or remedy this?
11. What gets me excited about life? Is there a way I can bring more of this energy into my daily routine?
12. What do I need to heal in my body right now? Are there steps I can take to make this happen?
13. What is something that I have always wanted to do or try?
14. If I could get something off my chest or express myself, what would I say and to whom?
15. When was the last time I felt truly alive and in love with my life?
16. Who really matters the most to me in my life and how can I show my appreciation?
17. What are some things that I feel truly grateful for right now?
18. What is one positive action I can do for myself right now?
19. What is my biggest fear right now?
20. What advice would I give to my younger self? Can I follow this advice right now?
21. What would make me happy right now?
22. What is the most loving thing I can do for myself in this moment?

Answering to this inquiry will help you to tune in with yourself, and also to direct the course of your life in a way that feels empowering and purposeful for you.
The great thing about these questions is that they can also help you to become aware of what is working and not working in your life so you can make the transformation that you desire.
After completing these questions, you can repeat the process in a few weeks (or sooner) and see how your answers may have transformed.

I wish you a happy, harmonious holistic life! Would you like to learn more about self development? You are in the right place, at the right moment!

The light in me knows and loves the light in you!


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