Posts tagged relaxation
A simple exercise to obtain a more profound inner centering (balance)

The "centering" or balancing of our own being also means to deeply harmonize all our energies (mental, spiritual or physical) as well as to calm down, as deeply as possible, the usual psycho-mental agitation (parasite thoughts, auxiliary emotions, etc.). In this state of inner centering our attention will focus with greater ease on any subject of meditation since we are simultaneously present, lucid, relaxed and receptive to high energies.

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Soulful confession (3)

One of the clear effects of the awakening of the Kundalini energy, besides the states of ecstasy, is a spontaneous state of transfiguration of everything and everyone. That is why I have been working consciously with this ability to transfigure people, situations and phenomena around me, to always see the good and the divine in them.

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