Soulful confession (4)

I feel Kundalini as a continual upward movement of energy, intense and generating very refined pleasure, rising along the spine, like an euphoric drunkenness, as a state of ecstatic happiness. The mind is silent, I am strongly astralized, as in the state of beneficial trance, and I am often euphoric. Happiness feels like an implosion of pleasure in the HEART, like concentric waves that expand, waves of great finesse, delicacy and refinement. I'm happy beyond words, silent. I love everything that comes into the field of my conscience. It's like a love story, of extraordinary sublime tenderness, between me and HIM (God).

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Soulful confession (3)

One of the clear effects of the awakening of the Kundalini energy, besides the states of ecstasy, is a spontaneous state of transfiguration of everything and everyone. That is why I have been working consciously with this ability to transfigure people, situations and phenomena around me, to always see the good and the divine in them.

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Soulful confession (2)

In one of the Yang Spiral meditation with induction of the spiritual liberation through divine miracle, during the meditation I wanted to know what will happen to me at MahaPralaya (the resorbtion of the entire Creation); and the information received as a state was: “I am immortal. I am eternal. I am divine essence”. I shared the story in detail with a friend of mine, who told me that I had a state of ecstasy.

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Soulful confession (1)

Allow me to share with you a soulful confession, about the spiritual path I have traveled so far, and specifically about the spiritual effects of the awakening of the fundamental, feminine, colossal Kundalini Shakti energy, following a proper, tenacious and persevearant spiritual practice.

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Hard skilles vs. soft skills: is EQ the best predictor of success?

Soft skills are in-demand in nearly every company and every industry. A Wall Street Journal survey of 900 executives found that 92% said soft skills were equally important or more important than technical skills. But 89% of those surveyed said they have a “very or somewhat difficult time finding people with the requisite attributes.” Likewise, LinkedIn’s 2018 Workforce Report discovered that the four most in-demand soft skills are leadership, communication, collaboration, and time management.

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Six Life-Changing Steps - How to Practice Mindful Self-Compassion

Our lives are much like movies and we are the unknowing participants sitting in that theater. Throughout our days we become so involved in this movie that we forget that we’re just witnesses. Memories, reenactments of past experiences, mental chatter, triggered emotions, beliefs, presumptions, judgments and future worries constantly play through our mind. And among all of this clutter, we cling to a story of us; of how bad, stupid, selfish, ugly, lost or messed up we are.

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Golden Rules for Spiritual Becoming - Know yourself

We must always have the aspiration to add something beneficial to our existence, something brighter, something warmer, and something more full of love. Before doing any action, we will take a moment of introspection, so that we can bring in our soul profound peace, divine harmony, overwhelming love.

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A No-Fluff Guide to Understanding the Meaning of Your Dreams

Dreams are like enchanted doorways to the mind, revealing our deepest needs, desires, feelings, and fears. In the most whimsical, bizarre and sometimes terrifying ways, our dreams present to us symbols, metaphors and allegories that are rich in personal meaning and significance. Our dreams can teach us a lot about ourselves

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12 simple tricks to help find inner peace

In life, we always have the choice to be in resistance or to be at peace with ourselves and the surrounding environment. When we are at peace and content, we attract positive energy in the form of positive thoughts, feelings, and vibrations. These bring happiness, wellness, health, and vitality into our lives.

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20 curiosities on human body

There are many curiosities about the human body that prove it to be a real miracle. About many of these, we may never have thought of them. For example, babies have 60 bones more than adults. Probably many do not know this. As you learn more, curiosity will become even greater!

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20 ways to find out if you have SQ (Spiritual intelligence)

The spiritual intelligence, as psychologists state it, is highly connected to a deep necessity of the human.. Namely, the need to discover that everything makes sense. Carrying this out is the very guarantee for the psychic health, as psychologists say. However, this is just a way to bring in a scientific frame the concepts that Holistic Yoga has attained and developed for ages.

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Creative meditation for self-esteem

Imagine yourself in a current situation in your daily life, and then visualize some person (known or unknown), who treats you with lots of love and admiration. Visualize that you are a wonderful person (continue with this, even if you feel embarrassed).

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