How to make your alkaline water - and stay healthy

We all know by now that if we want to stay healthy and to make our body fight against and prevent many different diseases, we should keep it in alkaline condition. But, as we all know, many factors can influence that and can make it more acidic, or even highly acidic.

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The human brain is connected to the Universe

Experts say that, most events, phenomena, manifestations subject to parapsychology and "mysteries of the human being" can be evaluated and researched by taking into account the leptonic field and the magnetic field of the brain. The leptonic field was localized to humans, and it was located along the spine. What's more, it has been discovered that each vertebra contains a leptonic generator, which has a conical spiral shape.

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Meaningful Questions that will Help You Connect to Your Consciousness

When was the last time you really checked in with yourself and took the time to listen attentively to your consciousness, body and soul?
When was the last time you really took the time to understand your thoughts, feelings, dreams and desires?

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Are you a healer?

If you’re a healer, chances are there are signs, signals, and cues all around you. The key is knowing where to look.

Here is a list of signs that you have a healing gift. Some may surprise you.

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Pay attention to what hinders your evolution

“It is always very good for us to become aware of our own ignorance”
“Very often we run after chimeras to avoid confronting our own inner world.”
“ Before starting to climb to the highest spiritual heights, it is better for us that we first start to purify our being”.

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The Divine Path of our Soul's Evolution

Why do you exist? bWhy have you incarnated on Earth? What is your soul’s level of enlightenment? We souls evolve in a predictable way, and the map for our journey is written within our very DNA. The evolutionary map is the chakra system. If you understand the essential meanings and messages embedded within each chakra, you’ll understand the evolutionary steps your soul takes on its way to Remembering WHO YOU ARE.

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Spiritual well-being

The state of spiritual inner well-being is in fact a sui generis cocktail of certain elevated, sublime, transcendental, more or less divine states and experiences that some of us live. Then they will generate in our being, just like a corollary, a complex, profound state that is in a certain measure tangent with the Divine Good.

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Aromatherapy is an ancient science to make use of natural essential oils and natural oils, in order to improve your health, to cure some illnesses, or to awaken certain capacities.

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The Amazing Benefits of Candle Gazing

The practice of candle gazing has a number of amazing benefits, including opening up your third eye (pineal gland), improved eyesight, focus, concentration and much more!
This simple technique is an excellent introduction to the art and science of meditation. People of all ages and stress levels can immediately feel the benefits. Students can use this before studying to improve their concentration.

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