An unusual but lucid perspective on the root causes of the crisis that was triggered by the coronavirus COVID 19

A mature and (by far the most constructive) approach to the current coronavirus crisis involves reporting the situation of every human being, of every creature on this planet, of humanity itself, in relation to divine harmony.

 What universal laws have we violated in order to deserve what is happening to us now? Is it a punishment, is it a warning, or is it a test? Or all this in one place? Our striving to penetrate the mystery of the present conjuncture has led us, perhaps each of us, to certain conclusions, or, at least, to certain intuitions. The causes are complex, but we will concentrate on the present study on one aspect: is the coronavirus epidemic a disease of carnivorous humans?

 Beyond the increasingly obvious fact of the existence of a criminal hand orchestrating this crisis, however, any man who believes in the existence of God certainly asks the question:

"why the good Creator in this case allows humanity to be poured this glass of suffering on the throat? ”

 In order for skeptics to follow this reasoning, we can even reduce the conspiracy theory to the absurd. We will see that, at no event, will we reach the same conclusions.

 So, let's assume that the global elite did not strike a double blow to both the East (China, Iran and Italy (China's new partner, starting in 2019)) and the West (endangering Trump's re-election, which has a bit broken some of the globalists' accounts). By directly affecting China (the main usurper of US economic supremacy), Iran (the main usurper of US military supremacy) and Italy (the first European country in the G8 group that dared to put the US in second place and replace it with China). ), any man with minimal intelligence will be able to conclude that the US was the "brain" of this pandemic.

Consequently, as the behind-the-scenes revelation comes to the surface, all of humanity begins to point to Trump, now, just a few months before the US presidential election. The global "elite" believes that it will succeed, through this "two-pronged" attack, both the elimination of the uncomfortable Trump and the strengthening of the concept of "big brother" in all countries of the world. Two big rabbits, in one fire, two rabbits after which the globalists have been chasing for a long time.

Although we can endlessly study the traits of this double game of the planetary "elite", we return to our basic and legitimate question:

"with or without political games, however, why does God allow this disease to develop?"

The hosts of the viruses are animals, which humans eat

Let's start from the hosts of this virus, which we find to be similar to the hosts of other dreadful diseases that people have faced in the last 200 years: animals. Far from us the intention to blame the animals! We love them because they are God's creations and are often of great help to us. But what do we really mean?

 COVID-19, either created in a military laboratory or adapted to humans following spontaneous mutations, comes from a bat coronavirus.

The most significant fact is that this virus is harmless in the body of its host, and perhaps a closer look would reveal that it is useful for the metabolism of the little fly. Is the coronvirus transmitted from bat to man, under the conditions of human-bat coexistence, in a common habitat? The answer is: No.

The functional microorganisms in the bat's body are not transferred to humans, except in one way: only if the human eats the animal, or exposes, very closely, the dissected carcass of the dead animal. In the Wuhan fish market, dead or live bats are usually sold for the sole purpose of being eaten by their buyers at their homes.

The human outbreaks of SARS and MERS, the epidemic of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in the late 1980s, which reappeared in 2008 and 2018, caused humans to carry what is called the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). or nvCJD) (commonly known as "mad cow disease"), avian influenza caused by the H5N1 virus, Ebola outbreaks, Zika virus outbreaks, Zika virus outbreak, 1918 Spanish flu outbreak, the second deadliest epidemic in human history (after the black plague), although they are connected with different viruses, have distinct manifestations and have manifested themselves in different periods of time, all these terrible diseases have a common element, which would have been necessary to put humanity on the thoughts: the contact of people with the meat of the carrier animals.

 An enlightening perspective

Thus we have before our eyes an enlightening perspective: if man had not consumed the flesh of the host of the virus, then he would have remained safe, healthy and untouched by the plague! This statement, of course bold, brings to the light of consciousness a matter of ethics of life in the divine creation. In the Bible, this is, in fact, one of the 10 commandments that God Himself has given to Moses, so that the latter may pass on to His people, namely,

"Thou shalt not kill."

And here, let's remember, because it is not said "do not kill people". It is said very simply, clearly, black on white, just so: "don't kill".

The message of the Planet Earth

Has anyone ever asked you what is the message of the planet Earth for its inhabitants in these contexts? Doesn't anyone really realize that Earth is telling us that it can't continue? That the turn of the clock has arrived, the time of choice, and finally, the time of the test?

Here's what we did, the people, homo sapiens, with our younger brothers in evolution. In our unconsciousness, we oppose their natural evolution. Do we wonder when we are being swept off the deck of earthly life by terrible methods?

 This is why it becomes obvious to any common sense being that, in reality, with these countries severely affected by plagues, we are, the entire population of our planet, not in the middle of a punishment, but in fact, in the middle of a dynamic collective test.

 According to the prophecies of Chico Xavier, mankind is on the verge of a huge transformation for the better, if it fails to destroy itself by July 2019. An era of light, spirituality would begin. This deadline has passed.

What needs to be very clear to us, as people, as people, as humanity in general, is that the seasons of the Universe cannot be stopped. No one and nothing will be able to oppose the entry of planet Earth in the age of light. In vain does the globalist "elite" struggle to return us to the slavery era. Their effort is useless. But as far as we are concerned, the other ordinary people should ask the question:

"Am I prepared to gain access to this bright, happy, peaceful, heavenly age, where the Earth will enter?"

 This question is fundamental, because it sets the premises for a deep reflection for each of us.

The high vibration of the heavenly age in which the Earth enters gradually, will not allow (vibrationally speaking, not from the point of view of written laws) the access of aggressive, gregarious, vulgar, corrupt people.


Viruses are expressions of mental impurities

According to the studies of Antoine Béchamp, Félix Pouchet, Charles Edward Page, Julius Hensel, Charles Creighton, Joseph Pettenkofer, Walter Hadwen, Henry Knaggs, and others, viruses are not self-sustaining. They are expressions, they are consequences, of our mental impurities. Not viruses cause disease, but it is completely the opposite: our spiritual disabilities cause disharmony, which in turn makes it easy for viruses to enter our bodies as physical manifestations. The illness of the psychic causes the disease of the body to appear. Therefore, becoming a vegetarian will not be enough. But it would be a very good first step, and any long journey starts with a first step, full of determination.

Stay safe!

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