Who needs career coaching?

Across the board, career coaching has shown to have remarkable benefits for an individual’s career.

The Institute of Coaching reports that over 70% of those who receive coaching see improvements in their work performance, communication skills, and relationships. 

 Executive and senior managers routinely get coaching from consultants hired to help them develop their leadership skills. CEOs including Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Eric Schmidt have all worked with career coaches to hone their communication, develop new concepts, and get feedback on their visions. 

 By working with a coach, developers and programmers can cultivate new skills, receive feedback on their career trajectory, and learn how to future-proof their resume.

Coaching can take different forms: from informal coaching, like a coffee chat with experienced peers, to semi-formal mentoring or joining an organization/team that provides mentorship, to formally hiring are all valuable ways to get career feedback. Coaching is critical to freelance developers seeking to stay ahead of the competition. Here’s why every developer needs career coaching along the way: 

  •  Develop your soft skills

  •  Get guidance on your career path

  •  Future-proof your skillset

 (article reposted with the courtesy of JetCake)


Why having a coach?

Actually we all can have big benefits from different types of coaching – not only for our career, but also for us as a human being on an evolutionary path. Making use of someone’s expertise and life experience can save us lots of time and frustrations.

 We can compare it with you deciding to climb a mountain (which you never did such a thing before). Of course you will need a guide who knows exactly the safe paths, the challenges along the way, and which is the best track for you to follow.

And when about self-development, this is an area which definitely requires a good guide, an experienced coach or teacher who can guide you through the maze of our inner universe!

The light in me knows and loves the light in you!


I have been coaching hundreds of people for over 25 years. It is something which I treasure highly and I love doing it. No matter what your needs are, together we will definitely find the right solution just for you.