Holistic lifestyle - what does it mean?

Holistic lifestyle means taking into account all levels of our being: the physical, the emotional, the mental, the intellectual and the spiritual one!

The holistic approach to who we really are helps us tapping into our gigantic inner powers to clearly express our unique core. This is essential to becoming truly healthy, happy, harmonious and constantly evolving!

It also means to:

  1. Be always in sync with Nature’s energy & stay healthy!

  2. Awaken & make maximum use of your innate capacities!

  3. Train your most powerful instrument - your mind - and get control over your life!

  4. Practice the holistic system & unleash your true potential quickly and efficiently!


Self-development, it is such an adventure!

We are all here to evolve, irrespective of us being aware of it or not! It is actually our main duty toward us, to do our best in transforming, in evolving, in developing ourselves.

The science proved the same aspect which the Holistic yoga system has pointed out for over 6000 years: we use only about 5% of our innate capacities! Can you imagine yourself living your life at 100% of your capacities? It is absolutely amazing!

And this is what we are aiming for – to awaken our inner powers and live our life fully!

We will discover that we live in a deeply mysterious world, full of treasures to be explored. We will discover that everything around us, all matter, consists of and stems from a divine energy that we are beginning to see and to understand.

From this perspective, we can see that humans have always felt a bit insecure and also disconnected from this sacred source, and have tried to get energy by dominating each other. This “struggle” is responsible for all human conflict…

The best solution is to cultivate a personal re-connection with the divine, a spiritual transformation that fills us with unlimited energy and love, that extends our perception of beauty, and that lifts us into a Higher Self Awareness.

In this awareness, we can release our own pattern of controlling, and we can discover a specific truth, a mission we are here to share, which actually helps humanity evolve toward this new level of reality.

We will discover an inner intuition that shows us where to go and what to do, and if we make only beneficial interpretations upon our life situations, it brings a flow of coincidences that opens the doors for our personal mission to unfold.

When we enter this evolutionary flow, always giving energy to the higher-Self of everyone we meet, including us, we will build a much better life, where we stay healthy, happy and harmonious.

Life’s cycles

It is important to realize that he access to spirituality is not conditioned by a certain moment or a certain season. We can dedicate ourselves to the spiritual quest at home, at work or in a spiritual community; on a hot summer time or during the winter with lots of snow.

The series of techniques you receive in the Members Hub are simple, practical, and aim at enriching every moment of our life,  metamorphing the familiar actions into grandiose experiences; helping us to expand our field of consciousness and granting us a luminous joy which is our most precious treasure.

Practicing the simple holistic techniques presented during the Members Hub will create intimate and sacred moments in your daily life, which will allow you to ineffably feel the Divine’s mysterious presence in your life.



Our biggest responsibility in life is toward our own evolution or self-development.

Who am I?”  - for sure we asked ourselves this question many times… Without knowing how we function right now, we cannot discover who we really are: divine beings with an infinite potential! We need to know ourselves, in order to build up a strategy of inner transformation, of self-development….

If there is something in our life which dissatisfies us, it means that some of our mental attitudes are not so beneficial… If we do the same things, we will get the same results! We cannot expect a magic transformation…

 The first and the most important attitude is LOVE!

Irrespective of which methods we practice, no matter how spectacular they are, if we do them without love and awareness, they are “just another method”…

Also, in all the situations life puts us into, ecstatic or difficult, before we react, we can ask ourselves:

“What kind of person do I want to be in this particular situation?”

The answer varies depending of course of who answers, but it can be something in the line of… humble, full of dignity and integrity, with moral verticality!

When pouring love in what we do, including our own transformation and development, we are actually making sure we will succeed


Mental training

 Our mind is a miraculous door that opens toward the spiritual intuitions, leading us to the realm of our soul.

The purpose of the techniques we train here is to strengthen our mental capacities, to enrich our ability of creative visualisation and to enable us to mould our lives to the best. 

It is well known that the power of thought is the strongest instrument we have and that the purpose of mental training is to control and transcend the mental “whirls” or agitation.

The mind has four problems:

1. confusion, when the mind cannot see the real nature of things and phenomena,

2. attachment, when we begin to think that things and persons really belong to us. It brings along demands, which makes us passive in our spiritual evolution,

3. repulsion, when we no longer accept what reality brings to us,

4. fear (for external things; to loose somebody, etc).

These four problems of the mind create suffering, and this suffering creates a void that we want to fill.

The suffering disappears when we have achieved the clarity of mind.


Holistic Yoga

In the Members Hub we practice also the Holistic Yoga – which is an intelligent and competent synthesis of all forms of Yoga.

Here are some of the benefits of this amazing system for self-develoment:

  • Yoga eliminates stress, generally

  • It eliminates mental stress, depression and neurosis

  • It cures many health problems with the physical body

  • It strengthens memory and mental power

  • Yoga balances all human’s structures

  • The yoga practice stimulates the immune system

  • It induces a deep state of serenity, of inner peace

  • It opens the way to wisdom

  • It liberates us from prejudice, inhibitions and restrictions

  • It improves the ability to communicate with others

  • Yoga harmonizes our sexuality

  • It activates willpower

  • It reinforces self-confidence

  • It facilitates success and achievement

  • It harmonizes our bodily structure, and eliminates overweight

  • A tenacious yoga practice strengthens the muscles

  • It increases mental concentration

  • It awakens and enhances the ability to love

  • It opens us to a genuine spiritual communication with the Divine and the universe.


Be the best of YOU!

I hope you feel inspired! There is more, much more to it… and if you want to continue this self-development adventure, all you need to do is to join our Members HUB.

Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to reconnect to your innate power, unleashing your true potential, discovering who you really are, so that you can enjoy a radiant health, unshakable harmony and unlimited happiness.