Posts tagged yoga
Jovana - I trust you!

I believe that your masterclasses at Holistic Life Hub are quite rare. When attending them online, I have the feeling that I trust in what you say, and that you are speaking from your own experience, that you live those things you speak about. I have been going through a few of them, and I realized that every time those information I heard were exactly what I needed in that moment and that they started certain processes in me.

Jovana, Serbia

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Towe - You inspire me!

I remember many of the stories very clear and strong, and it has inspired me very much. Through these stories, I have had different perspectives on the cosmic forces; earthly and divine. For me it made it more deeply the realization that we can let the cosmic forces work through us if we allow the power to flow and open ourselves up to it.

Towe, Sweden

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Maria - All is structured very well

The training videos are structured very well: logical, yet the understanding is also very complex. The atmosphere is very warm and beautiful. The consciousness of my inner qualities and how they manifest in me is a very important gift. Thank you from my heart!

Maria, Russia

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Sanda - with gratitude!

For me, these techniques you teach were miraculously fused and transfiguring, fulfilling me with focused energy, beautiful, calm and deep trust! With gratitude, one of your online members!

Sanda, Italy

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