Are you constantly tired? Here is how you can remedy it

Tired all the time

Being constantly tired is such a common condition that it spawned the acronym TATT: “Tired All the Time.” It’s normal to feel tired after a strenuous exercise or a busy day at work. But sometimes, fatigue can be persistent. Therefore, it begins to affect our performance throughout the day. Fortunately, there are natural ways to restore our energy levels and combat persistent fatigue.

4 Tips to bring your energy back up to its optimal level

The following practical advice can help give you more energy and reduce feelings of constant tiredness:

1. We need to eat the right foods

As the body’s main source of energy, food is a necessity. Eating the right foods help you stay healthy. But it also helps us avoid constant exhaustion and it boosts our performance throughout the day. Good dietary choices for combating fatigue include foods that are rich in healthy fats, protein and complex carbohydrates.

Healthy fats refer to unsaturated fats. They are commonly found in nuts, seeds and oils like sunflower oil and olive oil.

Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, are made up of sugar molecules that are strung together in long, complex chains. They are found in peas, beans, whole grains and vegetables.

Avoid processed and packages foods, when looking for healthy energy sources, as they contain nothing but empty calories.

2. Address our stress

Pressure from work, family conflicts or moving into a new house - can all be very stressful and can make us feel tired. To effectively deal with stress, it’s good for us to pursue meditating and exercising regularly. Exercise helps us reduce the levels of stress hormones and triggers the release of endorphins, which are chemicals that help us relieve stress and pain.

There are also medicinal plants (called adaptogens) that can help our body adapt better to various stressors. Examples of great adaptogens include:

  •  goji berry,

  •  licorice root

  •  and turmeric.

3. Seek advice if we have a nutrient deficiency

Chronic fatigue may be due to an underlying condition. Consulting a healthcare practitioner will help us determine if we have a pressing health issue that needs to be addressed, such as a nutrient deficiency.

Lack of iron and vitamin B12, in particular, can result in low energy levels. These two nutrients play an essential role in blood health, and being deficient in these nutrients can lead to anemia. Symptoms of anemia include:

  •  pale skin,

  •  shortness of breath

  •  and constant fatigue.

4. We need to get enough sleep

While we sleep, our brain cells replenish the energy stores that were depleted when you were awake. The body also restores various functions, such as

  •  temperature regulation,

  •  steady hormone levels

  •  and good appetite

– factors that influence how much energy you have.

In contrast, lack of sleep can affect our decision-making and problem-solving abilities, leading to a drop in productivity. It also increases our risk of obesity, as sleep helps us keep a healthy balance of the hunger and satiety hormones (ghrelin and leptin, respectively).

When we don’t get enough sleep, ghrelin levels go up while leptin levels plummet.

Obesity, in turn, can cause constant tiredness as our body has to work harder for us to do our daily activities. To avoid these, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night if we’re 18 years old and above. Meanwhile, younger persons need more hours of sleep.


Constant fatigue can prevent us from doing our daily activities. With these four pieces of practical advice, we can boost our energy levels and fight fatigue naturally, for starters.

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