The Unprecedented Causes and Meaning of Illnesses in the Human Body


A Groundbreaking Discovery: Unveiling the Medicine of the Unprecedented Causes and Meaning of Illnesses in the Human Body

Understanding the symbolism of the symptoms we experience, as well as the psycho-mental and physical causes of the illnesses we suffer from, is a crucial aspect that helps us discover how we can embark, even on our own, on the path to our own healing, while simultaneously unraveling the meaning of our lives.

Dr. Olivier Soulier sheds light on this important aspect through his professional work, answering a crucial question: "Why do diseases actually occur, and how do they act to lead us to complete healing?"

Dr. Olivier Soulier was 16 years old when he decided to practice medicine. He expected, of course, to discover the effectiveness of his healing methods, but he also aspired to understand the causes and the meaning of the appearance of diseases in the human body. After several years of study and 25 years of medical experience, he realized that essentially, those who helped him answer the questions that concerned him

"What is life, what is death, what is illness? How does the human being face it? What is the role of the doctor, how should he intervene?"

—were none other than his patients.

After 7 years of college, during an acupuncture course he attended, he finally discovered what he had always been searching for: a global vision and understanding of the world and the human being from the perspective of medicine.

Subsequently, suffering from cardiac disorders himself and resorting to conventional medicine, he was urged to adopt a treatment with an unlimited duration that generated a multitude of side effects. This treatment proved to be very ineffective, as the unwanted manifestations recurred, requiring new and increasingly harsh treatments. At that point, he decided to turn to homeopathy. Thanks to the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, his symptoms disappeared rapidly, and from that moment on, he began to study and apply a medicine of understanding the causes and meaning of diseases, as well as treatments based on acupuncture and homeopathy.

The Therapeutic Act: Above all, an act full of compassion and love

"The ability to love constantly and immeasurably is the sign of an important inner achievement…".

The patient-therapist relationship is paramount, and as a sign of its quality, it must generate, in addition to the usual therapeutic action, a certain placebo effect that is beneficial in healing. The therapeutic act is above all an act of love, and the transfer of informational-energy between therapist and patient is one of the key elements of healing. Medicine, in the exercise of its organic function of effective, active assistance, can intervene efficiently when the vital processes of the body are affected, suffering from some anomalies or malformations… In other cases, it is sufficient to correct and restore its natural defense mechanisms so that the human being can regain its balance on its own, over time.

"Life aspires to its perfection, and when this possibility arises, everything is set in motion to favor its evolution."

The technical equipment is undoubtedly important, as it allows the physical intervention of the doctor on the patient, but the care of the sick person must always integrate a broad understanding of what is happening to the patient, so that they can be guided towards their inner growth and self-perfection, which are essential factors of health.

The awareness of meaning through the deciphering of the specific language of illness proves to be one of the main stakes of humanity today. In this direction, Dr. Olivier Soulier brings a medical understanding that fits into both a scientific and a spiritual reality.

The regression from the state of health to the state of illness

As long as we remain supple but vital, we remain healthy in the same measure. In our interaction with the external world, we must constantly adapt. To achieve this, we have, on the one hand, our experiences that allow us to orient ourselves inward, and on the other hand, we have our emotions that open us outward. When the therapist begins to listen to us as patients, the connection between our emotional schema and our state of health becomes evident to him.

So, when does illness begin?

"It begins the moment the human being justifies his inner unhappiness through what happens outside of him," says the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann, the inventor of homeopathy.

When we have beliefs like "I don't feel well, it's the fault of others: pollution, war, politics, etc.," we risk getting sick. In this refusal to take responsibility for ourselves or the inability to adapt harmoniously to external conditions, our beliefs collide with the reality of life. Acute illness sets in, and our "friends" the microbes prompt us to react.

The situation can evolve further towards a certain justification: "No, it's not true, I'm sure of what I'm saying." In these moments, we stumble upon the barrier of our own pride, which can sometimes lead us to the installation of disorders (illnesses) chronic. If we stubbornly deny problems, we can reach the stage known as the "denial stage," where we risk transmitting the conflictual nucleus to the next generation:

"Denying the existence of problems in one generation gives rise to the delusion of the next generation."

After this phase comes, downstream, moving further and further away from reality, the stage of certainties:

"I am absolutely sure of what I believe and what I do."

At this point, we freeze our beliefs, and in doing so, we risk developing serious pathologies.

So, when we realize that we are constantly being asked to adapt and learn from our experiences, we understand the importance of knowing how to change, to evolve, to accept, and to let go.

The symbolisms of illnesses: Between meaning and interpretation

According to Dr. Olivier Soulier, every symptom has a symbolic meaning, and behind each of them hides a message. To understand this message, the therapist uses what he calls "the symbolic language of the body," an intuitive, intellectual, and logical language, whose primary function is to communicate with us.

Thus, in the case of a headache, the patient may have a recurring thought that they are unable to express, and the headache acts as a message that prompts them to express it. A cough may indicate that the patient is refusing to let go of something, while a skin problem may signal the need to touch and be touched. These examples illustrate how understanding the language of the body can guide the patient towards healing.

In the holistic approach advocated by Dr. Olivier Soulier, the therapist acts as a guide who helps the patient decipher the message behind their symptoms, thus facilitating their inner healing process. By encouraging the patient to explore their emotions and beliefs, the therapist enables them to become aware of the root causes of their illness and to initiate the necessary changes to restore their health.

Stay tuned for the next part, where we delve deeper into the symbolic language of the body and explore how it can help us unlock the secrets of our health and well-being.

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