Marta - You speak from your heart!
Motto: "When you meet a person with a great personality should ask her what books she reads." / Ralph Waldo Emerson /
Such a great personality I met myself at a workshop. It is an exceptional woman, a true yogini, whom I did not know beforehand, it is Georgiana.
The theme of the workshop that she held was "The Mystery of the Eternal Feminine". Right from the beginning I felt the deep peace that came from her, and the divine peace, which she conveyed from the heart. Her words were transfiguring and crystal clear, perfectly understandable and concise. Whenever she pronounced the word "Shakti", I felt resonance she has with Maha Shakti, and in my being throughout the workshop appeared a state of divine communion, harmony, a state of expansion, and I felt that all women in that room are One.
Actually I always knew of the importance of women's role, of their Divinity, but now, in light of the teachings, I realized these things. By the end of the workshop I became a transfigured being who sees things differently, from a higher point of view, that henceforth manifest differently than before, a yogini who walks the path of Shakti. A path where I can develop and can give a helping hand to other women around me. Thank God that I got this chance, and I could participate in this workshop.
There and then happened something indescribable, something Divine between us all ... and so became Georgiana simply an exemplary role model for me. Cannot wait to meet her again, to ask her what books she reads ;-). Until then, I have access to her practical wisdom in the Members Hub! Yes!