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Optimism helps us discover true happiness

Optimism is a conception about human being, life, the universe and God, which affirms the possibility of us to achieve happiness, to attract goodness, harmony, to continuously improve his living conditions, to progress psychologically, mentally and spiritually.

Optimism in the vision of Holistic Yoga

Holistic YOGA takes a fundamentally optimistic view of life and the universe, affirming that it is possible for the human being to achieve absolute happiness here and now, even in this life.

Holistic Yoga integrates the whole of creation into a coherent, beatific, meaningful whole, a reality directly experienceable at the moment of attaining the ecstatic state of Cosmic Consciousness, SAMADHI.

As an individual character trait, optimism consists in

  •  predominant resonance with the subtle, benevolent, sublime energies of the macrocosm

  •  and in the predisposition to understand the world in its good side,

  •  to foresee and expect more good, happiness, affection, divine love, health, harmony.

In yogic ethics, optimism is that conception based on

  •  great trust in GOD and in life

  •  which concentrates all its attention on perfecting the present by fighting against the old that is wrong, against shortcomings and hindrances of all kinds.

The optimistic person is not a passive dreamer, but an active striver, both for the ideal of personal happiness and for the happiness of others who aspire to it.

Optimism as a character trait is:

the attitude by which we evaluate pretty much everything around us (facts, people, activities, relationships, situations, etc.) as positive. The prevailing behavior favors the formation of such a character trait due to the harmonious dynamization of the ANAHATA CHAKRA.

Optimists are the healthiest people

A range of medical research has proven that optimism has a beneficial impact on our health. Here are some findings from these studies:

  • Optimists get sick less often than pessimists and live better;

  • Survival rates for heart disease are 30-50% higher for those with positive thinking;

  • Optimism can prevent breast cancer;

  • Positive thinking defends against stress, colds and helps keep you pregnant;

  • Optimism protects us against depression, increases our level of achievement, improves our health and prolongs our lives;

  • Optimism reduces blood pressure and stress-related hormones, positively stimulating the immune and cardiovascular systems.

Dr Steven Greer, director of the Royal Masden Hospital in London, believes that optimists who do not accept what happens to them as inevitable and continue to keep a positive, focused, combative spirit are more likely to improve or even be cured even in the fight against cancer.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, USA, looked closely at a group of 120 men who had suffered a first heart attack. Eight years later, 80% of the pessimists had died of a second heart attack, compared with only 13% of the optimists.

American psychologists at the University of Utah have conducted an extensive study on the effects of optimism and pessimism. They showed that people who are confident about their future usually have a magnetic personality, which attracts not only sympathy but also unconditional support from others. Involuntarily, optimists stimulate their friends and relatives to respond in the same exuberant way, who show more affection and support than they would for someone with a pessimistic attitude. Optimists are supported by their loved ones and so are more resilient in the face of life's blows.

Timothy Smith, coordinator of the US study, said that optimists will never be without friends, while pessimists are likely to be shunned even by people close to them because of their dismissive attitude towards themselves and everything around them.

Psychologist Vera Pfeiffer, author of Strategies of Optimism, says that although it is almost obvious to anyone that optimism is good for health, happiness, work power, success and self-confidence, because of closed-mindedness, selfishness and inertia, people are absurdly afraid to be optimistic.

Practical tips to be as optimistic as possible every day

Inner experiences have shown that optimism can be learned. Being optimistic is an option and can become a reality even for the most stubborn pessimist. By cultivating positive images, divine, sublime thoughts and aspirations that resonate with beneficial subtle energies in the Macrocosm, we gradually transform our wrong way of thinking.

An effective practical method for amplifying optimism is to operate with beneficial and creative suggestions and self-suggestions.


If we choose to use this idea-force, we will repeat this statement a sufficient number of times to adequately imbue our subconscious with as full a belief as possible in the mystical reality of this beneficial suggestion. At the conclusion of this repetition we will visualize ourselves, as if looking at ourselves from the outside, as detached as possible, overflowing with optimism and enthusiasm.


Transfiguration is an essential key that can help us boost our optimism. To be fully optimistic, we must learn to always look at the world, at those around us and at ourselves with transfiguration.


Faith in God, self-confidence and optimism are intimately linked. By amplifying our faith and confidence we will also amplify our optimism.


Another effective method in amplifying optimism is meditation with the subtle colors blue, red, orange and yellow.


A sense of humor and cheerfulness, states that express deeply positive resonances, will help us to boost our optimism or, in some cases, regain it. An effective and very simple way of eliminating from our being the negative influences that pervert and obscure our worldview, is to laugh at them.


P.S: If you want to achieve true, lasting happiness, I am here to guide you!