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Golden Rules for Spiritual Becoming - Know yourself

When we want to reawaken within ourselves the latent spiritual powers that have been dormant along many years of stagnation, we must make efforts. We will not trigger any beneficial force and we will not transform any aspect of our being is we remain passive.

Inertia leads to nowhere and it does not open any door. We can defeat it only by will power. We must focus our mind forces, we must meditate, practice adequate yoga techniques and remember that this path of evolution gives us the best methods to conquer the inertia of the mind and heart, which are often blocked by tensions, obscurity and coldness. We must always have the aspiration to add something beneficial to our existence, something brighter, something warmer, and something more full of love. Before doing any action, we will take a moment of introspection, so that we can bring in our soul profound peace, divine harmony, overwhelming love, and then we will consecrate to God the fruits of our actions. The beginning is always essential. This represents the moment in which beneficial forces are triggered and oriented. To act as correctly as possible, we must always start by asking into our being the light of God. We all know that when the night comes, we do not rush into the darkness to take an object or to start an action. First, we light a torch and then we act. It is the same with any life activity: first, we must light and even enhance within ourselves the light of God. Otherwise, we will stumble in the darkness and we will knock at many gates, but we will not be able to do almost anything spiritual. If we are alert, we will open a good way for us; if, on the contrary, we are not lucid, we will block the way with all kind of useless, even destructive thoughts and gestures that bring us constant sufferance. Yoga adepts must become aware that the way they start an action is very important, especially if they have the aspiration that the respective action will be fruitful and full of God’s savor. The one that acts daily in a positive and divinely integrated way will be able to radiate this divine savor with great power. That one must know that it is important to develop profoundly beneficial thinking, around which all the other thoughts can gravitate. If we have a precise goal for each day, a certain completely beneficial orientation, a sublime purpose to attain, then all our activities will slowly become ordered, they will crystallize, they will become organized and thus they will contribute to fulfilling the spiritual ideal we aim for in this lifetime.

Live every day in an admirable way

Even if some strange, even negative thoughts and feelings might try to enter our aura, they will be easily eliminated by the divine light existing within us. Thus, all the energies of our being will be engaged in following the right direction we have chosen. Due to this fundamental thought, we place as a seed in our mind and heart at the beginning of each day, we will be able to register each year in God’s great book of life. In the manifestation, everything is stored in the Akashic records. If we live at least one wonderful day, a day that can probably mean just one second of the eternal life, not only will that day be stored in the “cosmic files”, not only will it never die, but that day will trigger future days, which will be more and more similar to it. Therefore, let us aim to live in an admirable way each day, because that day will influence in an extremely beneficial way the ones that will follow it and it will make them full of happiness, order, balance and harmony. Let us learn to act in an as much expanded way as possible so that our bright actions will be useful for everybody. For this, it is enough to transform our way of thinking, to have the consciousness that each one of us lives in this universe, each and all of us are intimately and deeply connected to this universe, in each moment.

You are macrocosmic, act macrocosmic

Here is a very simple exercise: we are in between the four walls of our rooms, physically isolated as well as possible, away from the entire world. Nevertheless, we can make the habit that once a week we go out of the room with the help of our thought, in order to expand into a more and more vast space: our house, the city we live in; then, we imagine that the respective city is part of a region, and this region is part of a country; the country is part of a continent, the continent is on Earth, and Earth is part of the planet family in the solar system. This spiritual exercise helps us to become aware of the fact that we are integrated into the universe. Now we can see that at its turn, the solar system is part of a galaxy, and the galaxy is a tiny part of the Macrocosm. In this way, we will become aware, with surprise, that even if we are alone in our room, we are also expanded into the Macrocosm. And if now we are macrocosmic beings, why would we impose any limits on ourselves, why would we not open our eyes and heart wide open and tell ourselves that we often have to do actions which are macrocosmic? This exercise gives us easy access to a state of expansion into the limitless. Why not use the fruits of such a state to the maximum? It is very important to discover the unsuspected value of profound inner peace. In silence, we prepare the favorable circumstances for the manifestation of divine entities. They love silence very much and they always wait for those conditions that people, due to daily agitation, offer to them very rarely. The more evolved a human being is, the more that being needs more silence, more profound peace. In this apparent absence of life, such a person feels its authentic, mysterious taste; this is because real life, intense divine life, is a vivid, overwhelming silence. Silence prepares the conditions for the appearance and manifestation of divine entities. And when they are near, we feel above us the mysterious breath of eternity. Many divine, invisible entities continuously come down in order to help us. Knowing this, let us offer to them within ourselves, as often as possible, the favorable conditions for catching and keeping their attention. All these divine beings are always prepared to visit us and they always search for a place in our heart, in our mind, in order to act and bring us many spiritual joys. But lack of gratitude can chase them away. Elevated entities like us to appreciate their support and generosity. They already know that people are imperfect, weak, childish, and they have the power to overlook their flaws; even more, exactly when we display most of the mistakes, they say: “Forgive them, Heavenly Father, for they do not know what they do and this is why we aim to help them!” But if they notice that people do not appreciate their presence and help, the divine entities leave them. And this is not because they need their consideration and gratitude, but they know that lack of gratitude stops human beings from receiving the spiritual gifts they could receive.

Get to know yourself - and be free!

The light in me sees and loves the light in you!


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