Maria - All is structured very well
The workshop "Mysteries of the eternal Feminine" was structured very well: logical, yet the understanding was also very complex. The atmosphere was very warm and beautiful, we felt like united, a female spiritual group. I participate in Shakti groups already several years and have heard a lot about femininity and about Women who develop. But still Georgiana helped me understand something new in the workshop Eternal Feminine. That we do not need of new information all the time, but we must apply practically what we already know with love, faith and perseverance, and then we transform very quickly and inevitably. I became more attentive to my attitude, more determined and courageous ... and more feminine. The workshop was very precious for me, for the atmosphere of femininity, for the energy of Shakti, which reigned there; for the Knowledge of Shakti`s Nature and her qualities. The consciousness of these qualities and how they manifest in me was a very important gift. Thank you from my heart!
And thank you for offering us the possibility to continue, by becoming a member on your online platform!